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In 2013, cross-border e-commerce exports increased by 19.6%.

Time : 2024-04-16 Hits : 1

According to customs calculations, in 2023, China's total import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce reached 2.38 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.6%. Among them, exports amounted to 1.83 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.6%; imports amounted to 548.3 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9%. The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce not only meets the diverse and personalized needs of domestic consumers but also helps Chinese products reach global markets, becoming a key driver for foreign trade development.

With the deepening of globalization, an increasing number of Chinese enterprises are turning their attention to overseas markets, seeking greater development opportunities, and cross-border e-commerce exports are an important path. In 2023, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Promoting Stable Scale and Optimized Structure of Foreign Trade," proposing to "promote the healthy and sustainable innovation and development of cross-border e-commerce" and "encourage localities to combine industrial and endowment advantages, innovate in building comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce, actively develop the 'cross-border e-commerce + industrial belt' model, and drive cross-border e-commerce enterprises to export to other enterprises."

The person in charge of the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce stated that, in the context of increasing uncertainty and sluggishness in global trade, cross-border e-commerce, relying on flexible, efficient, and resilient supply chains, provides more valuable products for global consumers and injects new momentum into global trade growth.


In 2023, relevant departments continued to improve policies related to customs clearance, taxation, foreign exchange, etc., innovated in regulatory models, and promoted enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency. They supported cross-border e-commerce comprehensive trial zones, industry organizations, and enterprises to actively participate in "Silk Road e-commerce" and jointly build "Belt and Road" economic and trade cooperation, thereby helping cross-border e-commerce exports to proceed steadily and far-reaching.

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